This is an image generated by Bing AI, and is not Anthony De Leon.


I’m excited to finally get off my ass and start publishing all the mix/mashes I’ve made over the years (if I can find them). These will be free MP3s for your downloading pleasure. I’m also working on new stuff.

Welcome to my site, MA5H^ (aka Mashup)!

The Library 📚 is where you can find the list of all the available mashups on the site. I’m working hard to publish one per week, every Tuesday at midnight UTC. As of June 13th, 2023, I’m on a nine week streak!

My goal is to do more than just share the audio. I wish to inspire you to make your own mixes! I’ll be enlightening you with how I constructed each mix. My thoughts, inspiration, tools used, methods, arrangements, what I cut out and why, what I added, a screenshot of the final track, fun facts, secrets and/or tidbits to get your creative juices flowing! I hope we’ll get to hear your mixes some day.

For now, if you’ve got any mashup ideas you’d like me to make, let me know! If it can work, I’d love to give it a shot! You can request it on the idea💡 page. Or hit me up on twitter or other social media:

Wish I had time to make mixes more often, but also got a family I’d rather spend time with. My kiddos inspire a lot of my latest mixes! A YouTube channel should be coming out this year! Hope my kiddos can help with some of the animation ideas swirling in my head for these mixes.

I’m also big into WordPress, Domains and Web Hosting. Reach out to me if you get in a jam with those. I’d like to hear it! (No puns…)

And you may not know Spanish, but you know every word in La Bamba!

This is an image generated by Bing AI, and is not Anthony De Leon.

This is an image generated by Bing AI, and is not Anthony De Leon. 😀

Was it dope?

Thank you for your feedback! I appreciate it! -Anthony De Leon

Sick Type:


One response to “👋🌎”

  1. WordPress Comment-bot Avatar

    Hi Anthony,
    Congrats on launching your site,
    This is your sites first comment!
    Commenter avatars come from Gravatar.

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